PhD Planning-2008(Maseno);
MA. Urban and Regional Planning-2002(UoN);
Born in Kenya and studied for Bachelor of Arts Degree at the University of Nairobi majoring in Geography. Employed by the Ministry of lands as a land administrator 1988 .Moved to the Department of Physical Planning after studying for a Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Nairobi. Joined academia in 2003 as a PhD candidate of Maseno University and graduated in 2008 with a PhD in Planning. Has since been extensively involved in multidisciplinary research. Some of the partners in the research teams include ICRAF, ILRI, IWWMI Lake Victoria Basin Commission, Christian Aid, Adaptation Consortium, UK met among others.
Has also been a consultant for various organization in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, community engagement, natural resource management, strategic planning, poverty studies, property rights, climate change, and policy analysis Chairman the department of Urban and Regional Planning of Maseno University from 2011 to 2019. Chair of School post graduate committee from 2011 to 2016 and supervised both masters and PhD candidates. Topics of publication include Climate change, property rights, poverty and policy.
1. Asamba Isabella,Onyango Leah,Onyango George Mark(2019) Understanding Institutional structures and their influence on climate change adaptation: A case of Mara River Basin, Kenya. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science Vol. 7 No. 4 May 2019
2. Onyango Leah (2018) Legal pluralism and urban poverty in peri-urban Kisumu, Kenya. In LAND TENURE DYNAMICS IN EAST AFRICA. The Changing Practices and Rights to Land.Ed.byOpira Otto, Aida Isinika and Herman Musahara. NORDISKA AFRIKAINSITUTET.The Nordic Africa Institute.UPPSALA 2018. ISBN 978-91-7106-833-0 print-on-demand version;ISBN 978-91-7106-834-7 pdf e-book;ISBN 978-91-7106-835-4 epub e-book
3. Mbidhi Martin,Kibue Susan,.Onyango Leah(2016)Typo-Morpholgical elements of Urban Space and non motoriesd Transport in Nairobi: A case study of Nairobi East lands. Traditional Architecture;Urban Housing ,Transport and Resilience. African Habitat Review 10(2016)
4. Mbidhi Martin,Kibue Susan,.Onyango Leah(2016)Factors Influencing Pedestrians Travelling Environment:A case study of Eastleigh first avenue,Nairobi.Traditional Architecture; Urban Housing ,Transport and Resilience. African Habitat Review 10(2016) 5. Sheryl Quail, Leah Onyango, John Recha, and James Kinyangi(2016) Private Sector Actions to Enable Climate-Smart Agriculture in Small-Scale Farming in Tanzania: in Climate Change and Multi-Dimensional Sustainability in African Agriculture-Climate Change and Sustainability in Agriculture.Editors: Lal, R., Kraybill, D., Hansen, D.O., Singh, B.R., Mosogoya, T., Eik, L.O.
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