Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Planning
Goal of the Programme
Master of Arts in Project Planning and Management programme is designed to build the competencies of senior and middle level managers in the efficient and effective use of scarce resources for the success of the projects.
The programme prepares students to engage in interrelated skills and competencies in project planning and management of a wide array of development projects and programs. Upon completion of the programme, the students should be able to understand and examine critically: the discipline of project and programme management, within an overall Appreciation of the nature and purpose of projects; the principles and practice of project planning, design, preparation, and Appraisal techniques for projects in a development context; the theory and practice of management skills for project and programme management, focusing particularly on theoretical and practical skills for successful project implementation.The goal of the program is to make students familiar with and curious monitoring and evaluation of development interventions across all spatial scales through historical, critical reflection, technical, design and social dimensions.
Further, the program will aim to:
- Equip students with a firm theoretical background and practical skills in monitoring and evaluation of projects and programmes at different operational levels.
- Train students on the principles, concepts and theories of monitoring and evaluation
- Enlighten students on different methods of systematic enquiry applicable to formulate and answer monitoring and evaluation questions in programmes
- Train students on the different types and methods of monitoring and evaluation
- Prepare students to undertake research and postgraduate studies
The strategic objective of the programme is minimize chaos and barriers in the planning and implementation of projects to ensure that the outcome conforms to the goals of any project.
To qualify for admission to the Master of Arts in Project planning and management, applicants should have at least
The minimum admission requirements for Maseno University shall apply;
- In addition, the candidate must have at least an upper second class honours degree of Maseno University or any other recognized university
- Holders of Lower second class honors degree of Maseno University or any other recognized university with evidence of extensive research experience as demonstrated by publications in peer reviewed journals.
- Holders of Pass degree and a post graduate diploma of Maseno University or any other recognized university
- The curriculum shall consist of an approved scheme of study
- A candidate for the degree shall satisfactorily complete such studio work, coursework, continuous assessment tests, and practical assignment as may be prescribed for the scheme of study. Satisfactory completion of such requirements shall be a condition for admission to the examinations at the end of the respective semester of study.
- A candidate for the degree shall be required to attend not less than two-thirds of the total lecture hours of all prescribed courses and this will be pegged on punctuality and attainment of the academic quarter. The fulfillment of the requirement shall be a condition for admission to the examinations at the end of each respective semester of study.
The course outline is structured within a Two Year time frame that encompasses.
- Core, Required and Elective Courses
- Students will take units from School of Planning and Architecture plus any other approved University units.
- Thesis/Project is compulsory for all students
The programme shall consist of two stream options; Coursework, examination and thesis or Coursework, examination and project. The programme shall consist of units which shall be distributed over four semesters as follows;
- The curriculum for the degree program shall normally be two academic years
- Each academic year shall normally be divided into two semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each. The fifteen weeks shall be divided into one (1) week for preparation, twelve (12) weeks of teaching, and two (2) weeks of examination.
Programme Courses
Coursework, Examination and Thesis
Coursework, Examination, and Project
Semester II
Semester IV
C – Core
R – Required
E – Elective